In today's world, since Borders doesn't exist anymore and went out of business in 2011, Barnes and Noble is the most popular chain bookstore in all the state's except for Alabama, Maine, Mississippi, and West Virginia where Books A Million is the favorite. Even though Books A Million has a strong presence in Louisiana and South Carolina still, they have mostly delegated themselves to the towns Barnes and Noble doesn't operate in, which are the smaller markets and have pulled out of the larger markets Barnes and Noble have stores in.
But I created this map because I am wondering what chain bookstore was most frequented by the people in each state. What was your favorite chain bookstore back in 2010 before Borders went belly up and before Barnes and Noble and Books A Million became the only players in the chain bookstore market?? Which is your favorite of the two chain bookstores operating today?? Or do you prefer regional book chains such as Joseph Beth, Schuler's, or Powells Books? Or even used bookstores as Half Price Books and 2nd and Charles? Or have you always frequented and preferred the mom and pop indie bookstores that operate today or that managed to survive Borders and Barnes and Noble opening up shop in those places or avoid them altogether??
I would like to hear what you have to say. Thank you for reading and God bless!!
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. John 3:16