What stores or store types from the last century still bring the most nostalgia?? Are they the places that have mostly closed down, but still have a couple locations open (Sears, Kmart, RadioShack, Ben Franklin, Sam Goody, Suncoast, and one Blockbuster/ or video rental stores in general)?? Or are they places that still have many locations(or have generally been in decline, but are starting to become more popular again), but still retain an old feel(mom and pop main street stores, independent bookstores, independent record stores)?? Or places in chains that are everywhere, but have very few locations remaining with their look from the last century(Walmart, Target, McDonald's)?? Or is it something that the store has that isn't common anymore in most places(a payphone, a fast food restaurant with a 90s outdoor playground, or still uses 80/90s Televisions)?? Do you like these places more, or do you like the modern places more??